
喜剧,国产 中国大陆 2016

主演:黄觉 郝蕾 孙夕尧




更新时间:2024-04-18 13:07


二十世纪七十年代末,正值文化大革命结束时期,身为田家坝的知青陈实(黄觉饰)在一场意外事故中不幸受伤,导致双目几乎失明。然而,塞翁失马,焉知非福?受伤的陈实在邻居田春泥(郝蕾饰)的照顾下不仅重获光明,还获得了一段纯洁的爱情、婚姻。1978年,文化大革命结束之后,中国恢复了高考,身为知青的陈实在田春泥的鼓励下参加了高考,并考上了医学院。然而,在医学院上学的期间,陈实的同学严真真对其展开了猛烈的追求,甚至以“春妮只会是陈实人生路上的绊脚石”作为理由,使得春妮主动与陈实提出了离婚要求。就在他们离婚后不久,春妮竟意外地发现自己怀孕了,并在陈实不知情的情况先生下了孩子。然而,在一场意外的地震中,春妮的儿子走失了。不久,医学院毕业后的陈实以医生的身份加入抗震救援队,并抚养了一名地震中的孤儿。而后,陈实带着儿子出国深造,成为了一名著名的眼科医生,并在国外成立了一个新的家庭。而失去儿子的春妮也嫁给了第二任丈夫,并生下了一名女儿。多年后,陈实和春妮的配偶相继去世,回国的陈实与春妮再度重逢,一段美好的黄昏恋就此拉开了帷幕。最终,春妮眼疾病重,而陈实甘愿当她的眼睛与其厮守一生,白头偕老…… At the end of 1970s, at the end of the cultural revolution period, as tianjiaba youth Chen Shi (Huang Jueshi) was injured in an accident, cause was almost blind. However, Misfortune may be an actual blessing.? Injured Chen real in the neighbor Tian Chunni (Lei Hao decoration) under the care of not only to regain the light, but also to obtain a pure love, marriage. In 1978, after the end of the cultural revolution, China restored the college entrance examination, as a youth in Tian Chen Shi Chunni encouraged to attend the college entrance examination and was admitted to the medical college. However, during the medical school, Chen Shi Yan students really launched a fierce pursuit of it, even with "Chun Ni will be a stumbling block on the road of life as the reason for Chen Shi, Chun Ni and Chen Shi makes active put forward divorce. Shortly after their divorce, Chun Ni unexpectedly found themselves pregnant, and in the case of Mr. Chen's knowledge of the child. However, in an unexpected earthquake, Chun Ni's son lost. Soon, after graduating from medical school Chen Shi to join the identity of the earthquake rescue team, and raised an orphan in the earthquake. Then, Chen took his son to go abroad for further study, became a famous eye doctor, and set up a new family in foreign countries. But lost his son Chun Ni also married her second husband, and gave birth to a daughter. After many years, Chen and Chun Ni's spouses have died, returning to the reunion with Chun Ni, a beautiful sunset in the end. Finally, Chun Ni and Chen Shi eye ill, her eyes and willing to be together for a lifetime, said of a couple......



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