
国产 大陆 2016

主演:陈伟霆 赵丽颖 张艺兴


更新时间:2024-04-18 13:20


长沙捍卫战前夕,一辆奥秘的火车将设防官张启山引向了一座疑点重重的矿山。为破解矿山之谜,张启山(陈伟霆饰)求助考古世家二月红(张艺兴饰),并在北上为二月红的爱妻丫头(袁冰妍饰)求药的进程中与二月红结下深沉的友谊。张启山自己也收获了与尹新月(赵丽颖饰)的爱情。 张启山在挚友齐铁嘴(应昊茗饰)与二月红的协助下深化矿山,发现了一座奥秘的古墓。阅历有数困难险阻之后,张启山得知了日自己谋害长沙城百姓的阴谋。张启山与二月红、齐铁嘴并肩作战,阻止了日自己在湘江投毒的恶行,挽救了有数长沙百姓的性命。 长沙捍卫战打响,城中百姓纷繁搬走避难,张启山率领战士们奋勇杀敌,危难之时,长沙九门聚首,誓要与长沙共存亡,与张启山勠力同心,冲上前线,大破敌军。 The eve of battle in changsha, a mysterious train led protection officer Zhang Qishan to a dubious mountain. For solving mine mystery, Zhang Qishan (William) for archaeological family in red (lay), and in the north for February red wife wench (Yuan Bingyan) for medicine in the process of February and red have forged profound friendship. Zhang Qishan himself harvest and Yin Xinyue (li-ying zhao) love. Zhang Qishan JiTie mouth, the friend should (HaoMing) with the help of the red February in-depth mining, found a mysterious ancient tomb. After many difficulties and obstacles, Zhang Qishan learned Japanese conspiracy against changsha city people. Zhang Qishan with red, February JiTie mouth side, to prevent the Japanese in the xiangjiang river poisoning, rescue



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