
动作,科幻 美国 2016

主演:利亚姆·海姆斯沃斯 雪拉·渥德 杰西·厄舍 杰夫·高布伦 夏洛特·甘斯布 杨颖A




更新时间:2024-04-18 10:31


《独立日2》,暂命名为独立日中的ID的第一部分永远永远的一部分,这部电影的故事背景将是第一个“独立日”,在20年的年底击败外星入侵者后,战败后在地球的外星入侵者,其母星家接到求救信号,大批增援部队将流入大地。续集介绍他们通过星际大战的“虫孔”。近日,福克斯在接受采访时透露了一个续集:一个续集的故事发生在头20年后,再次被外星人入侵地球,她将是医治伤员和抢救垂死的,医院的主任,并将有自己的独立故事线高清$CNTI2NzgxNg== The fourth of July 2 - temporarily named the independence day in the first Part of the ID Forever Forever Part One, the story background of the film will be the first "independence day" at the end of 20 years after defeating the alien invaders, alien invaders in the earth after its defeat, its parent star home received a distress signal, a large number of reinforcements will be flowing into the earth. Sequel to introduce them for interstellar war through the wormhole. Recently, the details of the fox in the interview revealed a sequel: a sequel to the story took place in the first 20 years later, again an alien invasion earth, she will be to heal the wounded and rescue the dying, director of the hospital, and will have their own independent story line



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