
大陆 2015

主演:孙艺洲 贾青 赵毅新



更新时间:2016-09-30 12:49


革命抗日战争题材剧,由浙江华策影视股份有限公司拍摄,讲叙了1942年,十万中国远征军溃败怒江,五万英灵长存边缅。时隔一年后,远征军军部失掉密电,日军正在野人山中研制一种毒气弹,假设被日军未遂,怒江沿岸形势堪危,将直接影响到反法西斯战局。于是,军部决议派遣一支特别小分队,跨过怒江,潜入野人山阻止日军的阴谋。特别小分队的队员们克制野人山严苛的自然环境,步步为营,与日军斗智斗勇,展开了剧烈而悲壮的抗争。与此同时,驻守怒江沿线的国军第36军与腾冲中共地下党严密协作,营救人质,牵制日军,为小分队的举动提供了掩护和援助。几经坎坷磨练,特种小队二进二出野人山,终于在危机迸发关头摧毁日军的阴谋,为战局的改动做出了严重贡献。不久后,远征军以野人山为打破口,拉开了滇西战略大反攻的序幕。 Revolutionary Anti-Japanese War drama, policy, film and television by zhejiang China co., LTD., mention for 1942 years, hundreds of Chinese expeditionary force rout nu, fifty thousand souls forever and myanmar. After a year later, expeditionary army get cables, the Japanese are savage developed a kind of gas in the mountains, if you are Japanese, nu river coast situation as dangerous, will directly affect the anti-fascist war. So the army decided to send a special team, through the nu river, into the savage mountain to prevent the Japanese conspiracy. Special squad players to overcome the savage mountain harsh natural environment, step-by-step, and the Japanese wrestle, launched a fierce struggle and tragic. Meanwhile, stationed along the nu river nations 36 work closely with tengchong, the Chinese communist army, rescue the hostages, to contain



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