
大陆,国产,喜剧 其它 2016

主演:邹晶晶 阮晓伟 高利虹 王辉贤



更新时间:2024-04-18 13:47


潘龙与简丹是一对同居多年的恋人,一起打拼,两个人实际上已经是夫妻,只是没有领结婚证。潘龙认为结婚证只是一张纸,两人相爱比什么都实际。两个人现实生活中也非常的相爱。 为了打拼事业,他们一直没要孩子,后来公司发展比较稳定了,他们想要孩子,却怎么也怀不上,俩人暗暗着急。简丹去做了检查,发现自己的身体状况十分适合怀孕,但一件往事让潘龙坚信自己是没有问题的(他和初恋被父母强拆婚姻,女朋友当着她父母的面和他的面说怀了孩子,最后对方父母宁可拉她去打胎也不同意两个人结合。)也许是因为当年自己穷而被棒打鸳鸯,在两人分手后,自尊心极强的潘龙发誓一定要事业有成,出人头地,结识了现在的妻子。 正是这件往事,潘龙一直认为不可能是自己的问题,无奈之下,简丹偷偷拿了丈夫的精液去医院检查,结果竟然显示潘龙是无精症! 这消息犹如晴天霹雳,打懵了简丹,她不敢告诉丈夫,更害怕潘龙会和她分手。 有一天,简丹在街上看到一个和潘龙长得一模一样的光头男人,故事的发展出人意表。 简丹认为这是一个天衣无缝的“借精”机会。与潘龙长相相似的的光头男原本有着一个幸福的家庭,却因为“享受”送上门的艳福而发现纯良妻子的不堪秘密, 如此结果,如何承受? Timmy and JianDan living together is a pair of lovers for many years, struggle together, two people in fact have is husband and wife, just didn't get a marriage certificate. Timmy thinks that marriage is just a piece of paper, two people love each other than anything really. Two people in real life is also very love each other. Career to struggle, they have been not to have children, later, the company development is stable, they want the child, how to also can not pregnant, they secretly worried. JianDan to do the inspection, found that his physical condition is very suitable for pregnant, but a past let Timmy belief that it is no problem (the forced marriage and love are his parents, his girlfriend and his face and said in front of her parents had children, and finally each other parents choose to end a pregnancy rather than pull her to also do not agree with two people.) also



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