
剧情,伦理 英国 2006

主演:朱迪·丹奇 凯特·布兰切特 汤姆·乔治森





更新时间:2024-04-18 14:12


伦敦北部的圣乔治学校,美丽的希芭·哈特(凯特·布兰切特饰)成为这所学校新的美术教员。她的到来惹起了同事芭芭拉·卡福特(朱迪·丹奇饰)的留意,她在自己的日记中写到她无法说清楚这个新来的人“是一个斯芬克斯女神还是一个很复杂的傻瓜”。在一次课堂上,她出手协助毫无阅历的希芭来摆平搅乱纪律的先生,两团体因此而结为好友。  为了表示谢意,希芭约请芭芭拉去她家吃午餐。希芭有一个年岁她大很多岁的丈夫理查德(比尔·奈伊饰),这个老男人的脾气十分暴躁,还有一个喜怒无常的十几岁的女儿波丽 (Juno Temple饰)以及后天愚型的儿子本(迈克斯·路易斯饰)。  正是由于芭芭拉在自己的日记里,对每一件事情都做出无比尖酸苛刻的评价,影片把哈特一家碌碌有为的中产阶级生活方式描写得入木三分,加上布兰切特准确归结出希芭对她的家庭的热爱,同时还有一个女人由于过早结婚,末尾任务却又过晚而在内心发生的种种不满。  一天下课后,芭芭拉有意中看到希芭正在与一个满脸长着雀斑的男孩偷情。这个15岁的男孩出生于工人阶级家庭,名字叫斯帝文·康纳利(安德鲁·辛普森饰)。事情败露之后,芭芭拉直接面对希芭。在一系列的闪回镜头中,希芭流泪满面地招认了自己与先生的爱情末尾于上门补习课程时,最终在铁路旁边末尾了龌龊的约会。芭芭拉看法到握住了好友的把柄,虽然容许保守秘密,但是也无不暗示出希芭的处境很风险,她随时都有能够说出去…… St Georges school in North London, beautiful Hiba Hart (Kate Blanchett ornaments) to become the new art teacher in this school. Her arrival caused a colleague Barbara Cafort (Judy Danch decorated) attention, she wrote in his diary that she could not understand this new man "is a Steefan Kors goddess or a very simple fool". In one class, she helped inexperienced Sheba to settle upset the discipline of students, two people so close. In order to express gratitude, Sheba invites Barbara to her house to eat lunch. A young Sheba her many year old husband Richard (Bill Ney ornaments), the old man was very grumpy, and a teenage daughter subject to changing moods of Boli (Juno Temple) and mongolism son Ben (Max Louisque). It is because of Barbara in his diary, make evaluation very sarcastic ridicule on every thing, the film Hart a mediocre middle-class lifestyle portrayed penetrating, plus Blanchett accurate interpretation of Sheba love for her family, and a woman because of early marriage, but discontent began to work but in the heart of late again. One day after school, Barbara accidentally saw Bathsheba being with a freckled face boy affair. The 15 year old boy was born in a working class family, and his name was Steven Connelly (Andrew Simpson). The revelations, Barbara directly in the face of sheba. In a series of flashbacks, Sheba to confess to her tears and love students began in the tutor class, eventually began dating in dirty beside the railway. Barbara is aware of the friends of the holding handle, although the promise of secrecy, but also all suggest that Sheba is in danger, she may at any time to say......



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